Monday, February 7, 2011

Home Sweet Home

We are back home and trying to get back into the swing of schoolwork and chores....hasn't been easy so far! The trip was great. It was hard at much poverty and too many little kids with no mommies and daddies....but also really cool. I am hoping I don't just go back to life as usual but that this actually changes something about the way we live. I'm afraid it will fade after a while. Our visits with sweet girl went well. It was a little weird because we weren't supposed to show her any favoritism at all, and she was not to be told we were her parents. So, we just sat and watched a lot...handed out stickers, took pictures of all the kids and showed them over and over to them (they love seeing themselves in photos.) Margo had the hardest time not playing favorites, and her and sweet girl really hit it off. She actually ran up and gave Margo a hug and kiss the second day we came. She is a very pretty girl and has lots of spunk....definitely rules the roost in a room full of 2 year olds. Court day went well. The birth mom relinguished her rights, so all we have to do now is wait for this stinkin investigation to get over :-) Once that happens, we will be assigned an embassy date (hopefully sometime in March) and go back to get her!

The big kids did great, and they made great friends with our driver. (I loved having a driver by the way....I could so use those precious ladies at BJoe and our driver here at home!) I have to admit I was glad to be back to American food. I hope to blog some details of the trip much I want to share!


  1. Yeah! Welcome home. Can't wait to hear about the trip. I'm thinking visiting our guy and not being able to let him know who we are is going to be tough! Hoping you guys get an embassy appointment soon!!

  2. Glad you had a great trip. So with you on the Bejoe girls and drivers. Who was your driver. Just love those guys so much.

    Praying for a quick end to investigation and speedy embassy date.
