Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Update and request for prayer

Good news first - so many of our waiting friends are getting approval letters from MOWCA like crazy! That essentially means they are passing court, and their children are becoming legally theirs. I'm super excited for all of them, and this is what about 30 of us have been waiting for the past few months. So far, 26 of the 30 have received opinions from the court, and out of these 7 are help up for various reasons. We are one of the 7. Ours was held up because of a fingerprint issue I had all throughout the paperwork stage. Everyone is hopeful it will be resolved quickly, but I have learned not to count on anything for sure during this process (except that God is good and in control.) We have another court date on June 13th where we will hear whether MOWCA got what they needed to give us a positive opinion. Hopefully, we will get good news and she will be ours! Once that happens we schedule an Embassy appt. and go get her which is taking 6 - 8 weeks. Please, please, please pray with us that we pass on Monday. Most likely they will be reviewing the file Friday, so prayers for the MOWCA official(s) that day would be helpful. Thanks friends!


  1. Will be praying for you, too! Hope everything is there so it can be finalized on the 13th! Hang in there - you are not alone! :)

  2. Yes, praying for all if you and our babies. It's been so long, I know you are ready fir closure! Would love to hear more about the fingerprint issue. I too have had a terrible time w fingerprints. Wondering if u should prepare for more paperwork. Find me on Facebook .....Mollie Page. Praying!

  3. We are praying for you! I have no fingerprints (too much cleaning, apparently) and always have the worst time too. I'm so sorry that this is delaying your case.

  4. Shelly, we will be praying!! This has certainly been quite the road hasn't it?! So thankful for the Lord's presence and promises, and His goodness. Thank you for your encouragement and prayers!
